030 Mulford
The framing and understanding of time is incredibly important in the creation of architecture. The time it takes to move through a space, to enter or exit. The time spent living in a place, making breakfast, and playing songs, and having conversation. The time the house will be in existence, how it will interact with the environment and with the world around it. This residence located in East Hampton, New York, is designed with respect to these temporal scales. It considers its effects on the pace of life within and without, a tempo that plays into, and off of, the world around it.
A Residence

Mountain Hotel
The Fuchun Mountain Hotel in Hangzhou Fuyang District, China, is a proposed 23,000 sqm building, comprised of guest suits, dining, spa, parking, and public gardens. The site of the hotel is in close proximity to the Fuchun River and Mountains, a place that has been a source of inspiration for poets and painters for hundreds of years. Huang Gongwangin painted the Fuchun Mountains in 1350 in, “A Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountain”, depicting the dramatic terrain of the region in harmony with architecture.
A Hotel

An extension is a continuation of a pre-existing thing. Something found, or constructed, with a history, and a memory, and a sense of itself. In this project we extended a cottage in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. It is more different than the same, but it continues what has always been. It is currently under construction.
A Cottage

077 Douglass Street
Repetition creates consistency in an inconsistent world. So few things in our day to day lives can be reliably ordered. We can find comfort in this repetition, the knowledge that the understanding of one can be applied to all, the knowledge that things fit together. And still, we push toward individuality, toward the embrace of specificity. In front, this row house embraces its orderly context. In back, it steps away from its neighbors, differentiating itself through the framing of spaces and views.
A Rowhouse

017 Procedural Tectonics
I sit all day and I translate. I ask myself, what would you like to do? Once I decide – and coming to a decision at all is far from easy
anyway, once I decide, I then have to translate my intent through a series of procedures. Pan, select, right-click, rotate, copy, select point, click, enter, pan, rotate view, select, mirror, select point, select point, enter, enter, rotate view, rotate view, rotate view, rotate view.
An Installation